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We would like to offer you the opportunity to read the first ten chapters of our novel, "A Young Adult Story," for free right in your web browser. We would also like you to explore fifteen other articles that deal with our never ending struggle to identify our problems in education and to solve our problems in education. Education is not just learning reading, math, and writing. A student's education in this day and age has to do with warning the students about the dangers that they may face as undergraduates and graduates. They may be tempted to commit crimes. They may be tempted to engage in high-risk sexual behaviors. They may be tempted to use illegal drugs they may experiment with alcohol and/or tobacco. They may want to play games with firearms. We cannot allow our students to drop dead as undergraduates in any of our schools or as graduates in any of our schools. We want to discuss hundreds of issues that can help us to save our students lives so that the true mission of education can be achieved. |
Free Sample Chapters Before You Buy |
Article #1 |
"A Young Adult Story" Sample Chapters 1 to 12 |
The State of Education In The Space Age |
- You can read about the underlying conflict of the story when an adult Timothy Dillan discovers that his grammar school had closed many years ago without his knowledge.
- We are introduced to the main characters that will play major roles in the development of the plot of the story.
- We talk about basic grammar school conflicts such as a boy’s or a girl’s first crush on another student.
- We talk about the grief that students feel when a loved one dies such as a grandmother or grandfather.
- We read about the importance about making sure that our children and young adults will get the psychiatric treatment and the psychotherapy that they will need to develop normally even if they have a behavioral disorder.
- We talk about how our kids first develop peer relationships in grammar schools.
- We can introduce you to the main characters.
- We can set you up for the main conflicts that appear later in the story.
- We talk about the conflicts in our schools that threaten to cause many difficulties for our students and educators.
- We talk about how behavioral disorders threaten to cause problems in the emotional and academic development of our children and young adults in our schools.
- We talk about various ways that our schools can make progress in helping all of our kids and young adults to achieve success regardless of their obstacles.
- We talk about all the problems that our educators and students face that threaten their ability to achieve success in school.
- We talk about the role of God in helping our students and educators to succeed in our schools.
- We live in a day and age when we must help our students to understand the true purpose of intimacy which is to work with a partner of the opposite gender and with God to achieve parenthood and to develop human life.
Article #2 |
Article #3 |
Family Planning Solutions In Our Schools |
Our Schools Answer To God |
- Our students must understand that young adults develop the capability to work with God and with a partner of the opposite gender to create a new human life through a pregnancy
- We must help students to understand the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases.
- We must help students to understand the dangers of engaging in high-risk sexual behaviors.
- We must help students to understand that God plays a role in our sexuality and in our sexual behaviors.
- Our students must understand that God feels pain when any of us refuses to work with Him to engage in the creation and the development of new human lives.
- Our students need to understand the benefits of achieving parenthood.
- It is important to understand exactly what we are trying to accomplish when we engage in heterosexual sexual activity. Educators can no longer ignore God as a motivating factor in sexual relationships.
- God is responsible for working with educators to educate and to develop young children and young adults in our schools.
- God helps educators to help our students to grasp the basic, intermediate, and advanced skills that they are challenged to learn in the classroom.
- Our students must understand that God is part of everyone’s lives regardless if they are enrolled in a public school or in a private school.
- Our teachers must look to God for help when they are dealing with students that pose difficulties for them in the way that they struggle to understand course materials.
- Our teachers must go to God for help to understand how to do their jobs when students seem to fall behind in their studies.
- All our students need to work with God to achieve success in their lives, in their peer relationships, and in their family relationships.
Article #4 |
Article #5 |
Science: The Religion of Humanity |
Solutions And Success In Education |
- We all answer to our One True God no matter what religion we practice.
- It is so important that our students and educators should understand the power of daily prayer.
- Our students should talk to God through daily prayer.
- We should teach our students to go to God for help when they face difficulties and life-threatening issues.
- Our schools must understand that science is a universal effort to find God in our lives and to understand the role that God plays in our lives that allows us to exist in His Universe along with our peers and family members.
- Science is the Human Movement that will help all of us to find God together so that we will all find a lasting peace within Humanity.
- We must respect that all of our partners from all over the world exist as one family that answers directly to God. We seek to find God through global scientific investigation and global scientific achievement.
- Our students and educators must work with God to help our students to achieve their full potential in their academic careers.
- God, parents, and educators must work together to help our students to solve their problems.
- Our students can only achieve success when they work to solve their problems in conjunction with God, their parents, and their educators.
- Students should receive awards for outstanding effort, outstanding academic improvement, an outstanding attitude toward achieving academic success, and for honoring God and their parents in the classroom.
- Our students must understand that they must achieve an attachment to God in the way that they will be able to find solutions to their problems in schools and to achieve success in their schools.
- Teachers must encourage students that are having problems to look to God for help to succeed through daily prayer.
Article #6 |
Article #7 |
The Lock Down Syndrome |
The Many Roles of God in Education |
- There are times when some of our students will be a threat to themselves and/or a threat to others.
- We must help our students that are of a high risk to hurt themselves and/or to hurt others to get psychiatric help and psychotherapy before they will destroy themselves by hurting themselves and/or by hurting others.
- Grief counselors should be available to help students that have been victimized by a student that has lost control of his or her sanity and has launched an attack against his or her school.
- God must help behavioral health professionals and educators to make sure that students that will be of a high risk to hurt themselves and to hurt others will get the psychiatric treatment that they will need.
- Students must understand that they must go to God and to the Holy Spirit when they feel that they need help when they feel the need to hurt themselves and to hurt others.
- God tries to stop injuries and wrongful deaths in our schools by working to help our students to find psychiatric treatment and psychological therapy when our students need it the most.
- God works to help our students to learn how to read, write, and to understand arithmetic.
- God tries to help our students to understand the difference between right and wrong.
- God helps our educators and behavioral health professionals to use constructive discipline to help our students to understand what they have done wrong and what they must do to correct their mistakes.
- Educators must understand that God helps every single student to learn and to succeed in their school. Educators must understand that God works with all our educators and students.
- God tries to build a personal relationship with each one of our students. God guides all our students in their everyday lives.
- God guides our students to understand family planning issues in young adulthood and in adulthood when they are students.
- God works with all parents and educators to properly develop all human life. God wants all of our kids and young adults to contribute to the wellbeing and the happiness of Humanity both now and in the future.
Article #8 |
Article #9 |
The Separation of Schools, Church, and State |
The Purposes and Goals of Education |
- God exists in the lives of all our public-school students, private-school students, and our religious-school students.
- All our students have a right and on obligation to pray to God and to communicate with God daily regardless of what school the belong to.
- The Constitution of the United States does not disqualify public-school students from engaging in daily prayer and in daily attempts to reach out to communicate with God.
- All students need to exercise a relationship with God to function normally as students.
- Our students must have a powerful relationship with God to succeed in school and in peer relationships.
- Public school educators must encourage after-school daily prayer and attempts to contact God after school.
- Our educators cannot encourage our students to achieve a detachment from God by ignoring Him. A detachment from God can lead to devastation during the development of a student.
- God is part of every school throughout every country of Humanity.
- An Education encourages students to establish and to enjoy individual relationships with God.
- An Education prepares students for success in their careers and in parenthood.
- An Education helps students to engage in constructive and healthy peer relationships.
- An Education helps our students to achieve success by helping them to find the God that loves them in their lives.
- Students work with God and with educators to achieve success in their academic programs that will prepare them for success in meeting their challenges after graduation from their schools.
- Educators must help students to reject alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, and weapons.
- Our educators must help our kids and young adults what it really means to be a part of God's Global Family.
- We must understand what it means to be part of God. God must teach our kids and young adults how to love our brothers and sisters all over the world. God does not want us to continue to have hateful thoughts about them.
Article #10 |
Article #11 |
God Intervenes in the Lives of Our Students |
Young Adult Issues in Their Love for God |
- God will seek to talk to a student that faces a life-threatening situation and that needs immediate help.
- God helps students that are dating to understand how to make responsible and intelligent family-planning decisions.
- God seeks to educate our students about the dangers of engaging in high-risk sexual behaviors.
- God wants students to understand that the creation of a human life involves the interactions of God, a man, and a woman during loving sexual intimacy between the man and the woman.
- God guides students to make responsible decisions about the way that they date and the way that they think about sexual activity.
- God works with educators to try to resolve all problems inside of a school or with conflicts that involve students.
- God communicates with everyone that needs help to solve problems in our schools.
- God wants to stop our young adults from engaging in sexual activity that will come back to hurt them in the form of an unplanned pregnancy.
- Young adults must understand that God wants them to achieve parenthood responsibly when they achieve adulthood.
- Our young adults know that God will not tolerate substance abuse. God will punish our young adults for abusing alcohol, illegal drugs, and for using illegal weapons.
- God expects our young adults to be responsible with their sexual behaviors. Our students should not try to offend God by the way that they engage in sexual activity.
- Young adults must understand what they do when they use birth control to frustrate God’s efforts to create a human life by engaging in sexual intimacy without the intent to conceive a human life.
- God needs kids and young adults to understand how to understand and to accept constructive peer relationships and to reject destructive peer relationships.
- God wants to be part of all the decisions that young adults will make about engaging in sexual activity outside of a marriage.
Article #12 |
Article #13 |
Students and the Criminal Justice System |
Young Adult Peer Issues |
- Educators must train all our students and young adults about the difference between right and wrong.
- All children and young adults must understand that it is a crime to use illegal drugs and alcohol at their ages.
- We must train our students to respect law enforcement and the mission of law enforcement “To Serve and To Protect” our community.
- Our kids and young adult students should understand the basic ways in which our criminal justice system functions.
- Our students must understand the penalties of being arrested and of committing crimes which would result in their incarceration in a psychiatric facility or in a prison.
- Our students must understand the concepts that are related to the way that our courts and law enforcement agencies function.
- The Criminal Justice System should be there to work with God to keep all of our kids, young adults, adults, and all of our brothers and sisters out of incarceration and to be at home with their families.
- It is difficult for students to reject peers that expect the students to commit crimes.
- Some students will do anything to win acceptance into a peer group regardless if the peer group attempts to convince the student to commit a crime or to injure himself or herself and/or to injure others.
- Educators must understand the benefits and the risks that are involved in tolerating certain peer relationships that exist between kids and young adults in grammars schools, in high schools, in colleges and in universities.
- Peer groups must cease to exist if they do not understand that it is illegal to test the patience of God by engaging in high-risk sexual relations with other sexual partners.
- Peers must understand how they can hurt God by rejecting God’s need to help His sons and daughters to achieve parenthood.
- Young adults must see a movie of an abortion procedure and a movie of a childbirth before they will be awarded to right to choose between having an abortion and having a childbirth.
Article #14 |
Article 15 |
Discipline In Our Schools |
The Role of God In Sexual Activity |
- Our educators, parents, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, and law enforcement officers must teach our kids and young adults the difference between right and wrong.
- Destructive discipline that physically and emotionally injures a student is unacceptable behavior on the part of educators.
- Constructive discipline helps students to understand that mistakes are learning experiences and that our kids and young adults should try hard to avoid making such mistakes in the future.
- It is important to understand that God is part of the way that our schools are supposed to discipline our kids and young adults in our schools. God guides our educators and parents to discipline students the right way so discipline will be responsible and constructive.
- We should reward students for improvements in their behaviors after they have successfully responded to discipline. We must congratulate them when they do a good job in modifying their behaviors.
- All discipline that we impose upon students must include the involvement and approval of God.
- God wants to engage in sexual activity between a husband and wife because God wants them to achieve a pregnancy.
- God creates all human lives in His Factory of Human Life inside of a woman’s body.
- God wants to participate in the efforts of a man and a woman to work together to achieve parenthood.
- God wants to warn our kids and young adults about the consequences of engaging in reckless and destructive high-risk sexual behaviors.
- Our kids and young adults should understand why God allows sexually transmitted diseases to continue to exist within Humanity.
- God is very hurt when one of His sons or daughters will refuse to achieve parenthood.
- God rewards our parents for helping Him to develop human life throughout the world.
- God wants a male spouse and a female spouse to be part of the way that we will help Him to create a new human life or new human lives through the love that a husband and wife will have for each other.
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