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All of our students deserve the opportunity to acquire a top-of-the-line education, a successful marriage, a fulfilling family life, and a successful career. All of our students should feel the presence of a God in their lives that shows that He loves them and that He wants to love them for the rest of their lives. God wants all of our students to prepare for parenthood and to achieve parenthood. It is unfortunate that there are times when are schools face complicated difficulties. We should never give up on any student no matter what kind of trouble the student has caused for himself or herself and for the student's school. We must try to help our students until we have successfully solved a student's academic and behavioral problems. We must show love and forgiveness for all of our children and young adults that make mistakes and that need psychiatric treatment and psychotherapy. It is a better form of criminal justice to help a struggling student than to completely destroy a student's life.
What Solutions Can Help Us To Help Students to Succeed?
  1. We can help students by encouraging them to find God through daily prayer.
  2. We can reward students for exceptional effort and for strong performance.
  3. We can develop after-school Extra-Learning programs that can help our students to get extra help with their studies and to study beyond what is required of them in school.
  4. We must send our student for psychiatric and psychological evaluations when they misbehave and do not respond to discipline.
  5. All schools should have a way to provide Group Therapy for students that have psychiatric problems.
  6. High-Risk students should get a mandatory yearly psychiatric examination and a mandatory computerized psychological evaluation.
  7. We must encourage students to go to God to get help from our Supreme Being and from the Holy Spirit.
  8. We must teach our kids and young adults that the Holy Spirit is part of all of our lives and that the Holy Spirit is there to help us.
  9. Our students should have faith that God will help them with their problems.
  1. We must discourage students from using illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and firearms.
  2. We must offer students constructive discipline for misbehaving and for making mistakes in a way that does not injure the student.
  3. We must work to help our young adults to understand the mechanisms of the male reproductive system and the female reproductive system. Our young adults must understand how we work with God to create a human life.
  4. We must give our students advice about how to engage in under-aged dating.
  5. We must encourage young adults to go to God and to a counselor when they have to make decisions about under aged sexual activity.
  6. We can promote extra-curricular studying that can encourage our students to engage in independent studies that is not included in a grammar school or high school curricula.
  7. We must help students to understand the consequences of committing crimes. We must show them what it is like to face incarceration in a prison, a correctional facility, or in a psychiatric facility.
  8. We must promote a plan of action that will help all of our teachers to make students understand what they need to know.
How Does God Help Us To Find Solutions for Our Students?
  1. God helps students to learn.
  2. God helps our students to understand scholastic skills.
  3. The Holy Spirit helps students to prepare for exams.
  4. God guides our students to achieve success in several and in all courses.
  5. God motivates students to learn and to succeed.
  6. The Holy Spirit detects when a student needs psychiatric treatment, psychotherapy, and psychological counseling.
  7. God helps our students to function through the traumas that are associated with "Raging Hormones."
  8. God tries to help our students to avoid life-threatening accidents.
  9. The Holy Spirit warns young adults about sex offenders.
  1. God helps students by having daily conversations with them.
  2. The Holy Spirit helps young adults to make productive decisions when they must decide to begin dating for the first time.
  3. God discourages students from becoming substance abusers.
  4. God warns students about the dangers of under aged sexual activity and under aged sexual exploitation.
  5. The Holy Spirit warns students about the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases.
  6. God tries to convince young adults to strongly consider trying to achieve parenthood.
  7. God helps young adults to achieve their destiny in schools and in their careers.
What Are Other Solutions Should We Consider For Our Students?
Behavioral Counseling Programs Family Planning and Training Programs
  1. Students with detected behavioral problems should receive either voluntary or court-ordered psychiatric treatment and psychotherapy which would require that the students' school system would pay for at least some of it.
  2. High-risk students should attend either voluntary and/or court-order psychotherapy sessions to discuss ways to deal with their issues and to resolve their issues.
  3. All school districts should operate a hot line where students can call if they believe that they have come to feel the intent to injure themselves and/or to injure others.
  4. Behavioral health professionals can sponsor behavioral health seminars in grammar schools, middle schools, high schools, and colleges, that could help students to understand what to do if they feel like hurting themselves or like hurting others.
  5. At least one crisis counselor should be available to handle student emergencies in local emergency rooms twenty-four hours a day to help kids and young adults that are in a severe emotional and psychological crisis.
  6. Intervention guidelines would help parents and/or guardians to become actively involved in their child or young adult's crisis.
  7. College students that enter an emotional crisis in college that warrant a medical withdrawal should still get good grades despite the fact the he or she cannot finish the semester.
  8. All colleges must provide psychotherapists and counselors to help their students to deal with their mental illness and other issues.
  9. Behavioral Extra-Help programs would help students that might take a longer period of time to understand the right way to behave and not to behave to get extra counseling and love from their educators and family members.
  10. We must be more forgiving of misbehavior from our young students than from our older students simply because they are some much less mature at younger ages.
  1. A male and female student that have been dating for a certain period of time may be considering engaging in sexual activity. Educators must make sure that the training and resources are available to young adults so that they can make a decision to become sexually active without hurting themselves or hurting each other.
  2. Virginity Cessation Counseling would work with young adult boys and young adult girls that are considering becoming sexually active for the first time. Virginal young adults should fully and completely understand the mechanisms of the male and female reproductive systems as well as the process of becoming pregnant before engaging in sexual activity.
  3. Consummation Psychotherapy can help an a female young adult and a male young adult to understand how to have a sexual experience that would bond a relationship contract between them.
  4. Young adult girls should see movies showing both a childbirth and an abortion procedure before they make the decision to give birth to a baby or to induce a miscarriage that would end a pregnancy.
  5. Engagement Evaluations should happen before a boyfriend's and girlfriend's first attempt to become intimate. A special counselor would help the young adults whether their relationship is doing well or if the relationship is failing.
  6. Special counselors have to help our young adult to understand the meanings of different types of sexual orientation. Our young adults have to understand the benefits of achieving parenthood. They must also understand that a man cannot get a man pregnant in a same-gendered male relationship. A woman cannot get a woman pregnant in a same-gendered female relationship.
  7. It may be helpful for the young adult girl's mother to be involved in her decision as to whether to become sexually active.
Religious Awareness Programs Extracurricular Development Programs
  1. We must help students in all public, private, and religious schools to to recognize the existence of God in their lives. Students in all schools should practice a religious faith.
  2. There is a grave danger when students ignore God during their development as children and as young adults.
  3. Students must establish an Attachment to God while they are students by understanding how to communicate with God through prayer and through their own personal relationship with God.
  4. Religious Counseling Seminars can help our children and young adults to understand the role that God seeks to play in their lives.
  5. Our young adults must understand that their decisions about sexual activity involve God. It is God's decision if they become pregnant during sexual activity regardless of what type of birth control that they might try to use.
  6. Our students must look to God for guidance when they have to make a decision as to whether to become sexually active with a partner.
  7. We must warn our students that God has authorized the continued existence of Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Our Family Planning Educators must warn our students about how to become infected with a STD.
  8. A Family Planning Educator can only say one thing to students at the end of their training. "If you become infected with a Sexually Transmitted Disease after this training seminar, you were warned. Now you have to face reality. You have to face God."
  9. Our schools cannot groom our students to continue to function in a partial or a complete detachment from God.
  1. An Internet-based and government-funded learning center would give our students the ability to explore so many different types of courses outside of their regular schoolwork.
  2. Special Extra-Learning Programs would help students that have fallen behind in their studies by giving them extra learning skills and extra training regarding the skills that they need to master.
  3. Online academic programs can challenge our students to achieve academic excellence above and beyond what would normally be accepted of them.
  4. Studying family-planning issues through online instruction would be easier to understand and would be less embarrassing for young boys and young girls that have recently entered puberty.
  5. This online school would show movies about childbirth. It would also show movies of what an abortion looks like. It will then encourage women to have to right to choose.
  6. Our internet school can discuss topics that pertain to our relationship with God that have never been discussed either in the classroom, in movies, or in literature.
  7. Students would be challenged to take courses of a higher grade level if they feel that they are ready for that while they are in the summer break or while they are still in school.
  8. An Internet school can help high school student to begin to prepare for what they will be facing in college. They will prepare for the substance abuse problems, the peer pressure, the dating pressure, and the pressure to succeed in the classroom.
  9. This Online school will also help students in college to get extra help to grasp topics that have been giving them problems in their classes and lectures.
Peer Group Conflict Counseling Criminal Justice Seminars
  1. Teachers and behavioral health doctors and counselors would attempt to identify peer conflict in grammar schools, in high schools, in middle schools, and in colleges. They would then decide what action to take to deal with the conflict.
  2. Behavioral health psychiatrists and counselors would be ready to intervene in a school's activities if it becomes clear that peer conflict threatens the sanity of the students of the school's peer communities.
  3. Behavioral health counselors should have the authority to make final decisions about the discipline that children and/or young adults will face as the result of their participation in peer group conflict.
  4. A school's principal should have the authority to force a student into behavioral health treatment with psychiatrists and psychotherapists in an effort to control peer conflict in a school.
  5. Bullying should be characterized as a psychiatric disorder that warrants psychiatric treatment and psychotherapy for the student that engages in that behavior. Schools must be humane when students become so sick that they think that they can get away with bullying other students.
  1. Criminal Justice Seminars would be available to high-risk students that might show the intent to engage in destructive and self-destructive behaviors. Such students might feel the need to commit crimes and would need guidance about the consequences of their intentions and actions.
  2. Criminal Justice Mentors would help students to understand what it would be like to live in a prison after they have been arrested for committing a crime.
  3. Criminal Justice Mentors will help students to know what to expect if they do drugs and deal drugs out on the streets.
  4. Mentors would talk to our kids and young adults about weapons. Weapons are a one-way ticket to prison. You are done if you use a weapon. You face indefinite incarceration if you use a weapon.
  5. Mentor would warn our kids and young adults about the dangers for working off-the-books. Mentors would help kids to understand the concept of tax evasion.
  6. Criminal Justice Counselors would be available twenty-four hours a day to talk to our kids and young adults about issues concerning witnessing or participating in criminal activity.
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We need to try to achieve salvation.  We must work with God to stop poverty, starvation, homelessness, unemployment, crime, mental illness, hatred, violence, warfare, death, and murder.  We have to grow up.  We have to start trying to work with God to solve these problems as a United Human Family.  Our pain and suffering must eventually end.  We can achieve eternal happiness when we can come to understand that we all answer to God.  We cannot seek to benefit from death, destruction, pain, and suffering.  We will make progress toward achieving salvation when we come to understand that God is the Boss.  We will understand that God must work with us to finally end His pain and suffering.


We have to pray to God and to the Holy Spirit that we will be able to get the authorization to build a spaceship that will allow us to explore the Solar System.  This spaceship would be powered by electromagnetic power and by a Clean Energy Generator.  It would have an internal gravitation system.  It would provide a spacious and human living environment for all of its astronauts and other occupants.  It would be able to travel at unthinkable velocities.  However, it might emerge as the safest spaceship that we have ever developed.  We would not need rocket propulsion to power this spaceship.  We should try to pray for this and to behave ourselves all over the world in order to make this into a reality.  We have to get the authorization of God and of the Holy Spirit to make the dream possible.  We have to make intelligent decisions about this here on earth.

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  1. All of our brothers and sisters around the world view The One True God as the Supreme Being that creates and develops all Human and Nonhuman Life.
  2. All of our brothers and sisters in the universe will stop injuring God and will stop causing suffering for God when we will finally stop having feelings of hatred for our brothers and sisters.
  3. All of our brothers and sisters will stand united under God to attempt to form a Nation of Humanity that will be free of pain and suffering.
  4. We will learn to love each other through the efforts of scientists that will help us to find the presence of the One True God that exists in our lives.
  5. We will share a love for God and for each other that will be unprecedented since the creation of Humanity.
  1. Our scientists must come to understand the existence of the Holy Spirit in their lives.
  2. A powerful relationship with the Holy Spirit can help scientists and engineers to create successful inventions and technologies.
  3. The Holy Spirit is an entity of Higher Intelligence that can help us to accomplish God's plan for us at any given time.
  4. The Holy Spirit helps us to understand our problems and helps us to find solutions to our problems.
  5. The Holy Spirit helps us to receive mercy from God after we disrupt Humanity by committing a crime.
  6. The Holy Spirit Attempt to be a powerful force in all of our lives.
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